Northern Lights Photography - James Jagger national press 3 picture hat trick!
Northern Lights don’t appear too far south in the UK - usually. Anyone following the news during September/October 2024 (and keeping an eye to the night sky) will, however, be aware that the Aurora Borealis made a showing on a few occasions. Even as far south and east as Kent. For the ever-at-large James Jagger, whose finger is always poised to click, he and his camera were in the right place at the right time to snap the Northern Lights over Godalming, Surrey.
James’ Northern Lights photography story.
I’ve encountered the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) just twice in my life and both times in 2024.
Not in some exotic Arctic wasteland, but here in leafy Surrey. In fact, better than that. Within 2 minutes of where I live in Godalming.
James’ wonderful Northern Light Photography snaps which ended up in The Guardian, The Times and The Daily Mail.
We have an incredible sense of community here and social media relays useful information into our lives without fail. And so, sat relaxing after a busy day at the teaching chalk face, word starts to filter through. They’re back. They’re here. Big time. Images flashing up on my screen. The aurora has returned.
Go go go! Jump in the car. Need to get to a place starved of artificial light. Fast. Pulse racing. I know where to go. I know this town like the back of my hand.
Screech to a halt. Double parked. The best camera kit discarded in favour of iPhone night mode. I stand breathless in awe of the light show breaking out before my eyes. Hands shaking I can barely take a shot. Slow down. Breathe.
44 shots. Different angles. Different compositions. Shooting on instinct. Savouring the moment but the clock is now ticking. The whole country is following suit. Competition. Will my workflow be quick enough to make a sale?
On the hunt for those newsworthy images.
Go go go. Wetransfer to the Mac. Lightroom batch process. Captions. Keywords. Metadata. Quick edit. Hit upload. Trust my agent to do the rest. Sleep and wait. What news will the morning bring? Was I quick enough? Did my images stand up to the fierce competition of freelance paps?
Morning dawns. Word starts to filter through the airwaves. James…you’ve done it! The Guardian newspaper has bought one of your pix. Wow! Wow! I jump for joy! No wait. There’s more. The Daily Mail have jumped on the bandwagon. More whoops. More jumping around. Yes, Yes, Yes!! Hang on. It’s a hat trick. The Times newspaper completes the image purchase frenzy. I sit back in shock. A teardrop falls to the ground. I did it. Praise God!
Social media buzz.
Not only did JJ achieve the Northern Lights photography hat trick in the national press James Jagger Photography social media feeds - Facebook and Instagram - were also buzzing with excitement. (GIve James a follow if you don’t already).
James’ Aurora Borealis image in The Guardian newspaper.
Some of the comments James received following his publishing of the photos were as follows -
Out of thousands and thousands of incredible photos that is an amazing achievement! We moved to Cumbria two years ago and it was fantastic to see Godalming made national news for Northern lights! - Anon
Well done James - beautiful pictures! - Rebecca
Wonderful photos (as usual) - Caroline
Brilliant work James! Well done! - Keith
You should start writing for The Times as well! - Carmel
Amazing photos! Well done!! - Harriet
Awesome photos James! - Michelle
James and his Alamy Live News Team photography work.
For those who don’t know James is part of the Alamy Live News Team. Some may know him for his wedding photography work while others will have seen his sports event photography snaps. His photojournalism for Alamy, however, is yet another area that showcases James as a fully-rounded professional photographer who can turn his hand to most things.
More James Jagger pics from his Alamy Live News work.
James’ experience with a camera is tangible. He’s able to sniff out the best shots and is ready and alert to newsworthy goings on. This instinct is why he’s extremely adept at nailing the shot in other areas. After all, skills such as photography are highly transferable as James demonstrates time and again.